Dear parents,sorry for the delay of this entry.
Our visit to the Aquaria KLCC on the 29th July 2011.Our journey did not start so smoothly as we were trapped in the traffic jam for almost 2 1/2 hours. The kids are all excited in the bus as the tour guide entertained them with her story and sing along nursery rhyme.But after 2 hrs of our journey they all started to get restless.My heart sank when I heard 1 of them asked "teacher bila nak sampai ni?". How I wished I have a magic wand kids!
Anyway the moment we enter the aquaria they are all got excited all over again.I and the teachers are so relieved to see all those happy faces again.And all went well until we got back at the kindergarten almost at 5.00pm.
I went back home feeling happy to think how all the kids enjoyed their day in the aquaria. My happy hours ........ as the moment I put in the memory card to upload the photos,to my horror almost 80% of the photos looked blur.I don't know what went wrong.The camera????? the moving kids or just my shaky hand after all those stressful hours in the traffic jam????? I have no answer..
There are not many choice of the nice pictures to be posted here, I have decided to put some of this pictures for you all to see.
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